No one knows why Gary wears his flower pot, least of all Gary.
Sometimes Gary packs his bags and pretends he’s going somewhere.
Gary figures it’s time to design his own respiratory protection gear.
Ever grateful for a robust return policy, Gary considers his recent purchase of full-body polka-dotted PPE.
Gary plans to shed his Quarantine-15, but it provides such a lovely spot to prop a book...
Gary says, “Never say ‘never.’”
Gary to the rescue—with cake!
Gary was compelled to create art, but sometimes he had trouble getting started.
Gary got up early for his morning stroll—unfortunately, so did his neighbors.
Instead of his flowerpot hat, Gary considered wearing a birthday pie. But it called too much attention to his aging neck.
Gary’s achievement of stockinette was undermined by his utter befuddlement regarding binding off.
Gary lost track of time on his way to deliver a gift.
Gary knows the first mark is always the hardest.
Gary had no words for a while.
Post-Thanksgiving gluttony, Gary’s a tad comatose and vows that next week is Skinny-Eating Week—if there’s no pie left...
Gary says: O’ HAPPY DAY!